Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today the blue skies have returned to Williamsburg. Yesterday was cloudy, foggy, and occassionally drizzly. We wandered around some shops, but nothing picture worthy. In the end of the day we visited Jamestown and decided it was worth another trip today, so that's where we went.

There are two places to visit at Jamestown, a recreated settlement, manned with re-enactors, and the original site, which is largely preserved as an archealogical site. The pictures above and below are from the settlement. An interpreter showed how a 17th century soldier loaded and fired his rifle. The first attempt was a dud, which was more realistic, I thought.

There are four replica ships which may be toured, docked at the James River. They give a sobering idea of what transatlantic travel was like 400 years ago. It also instills a deep respect for the abilities and vision of the men who risked their lives for the prospects of a life in the New World.
This last picture is of the church tower at the original Jamestown site. It is the only original structure still standing that dates back to the early 1600's. There's something wondrous looking at brick that haven't been touched since they were laid by men 400 years ago. I guess that's why we visit places like this. Anyway, we had another great day and will be sad to leave tomorrow. It's been a great vacation, thanks for tagging along!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yesterday was Christmas. Michele's knees were bothering her, but we still managed to take in a walking tour of the holiday decorations, in between raindrops. Pictured below is a sampling of what we saw, our favorite being the gingerbread kitty being tied up with string by the gingerbread mice. Too cute!

We also made way for a team of huge oxen following their master. When he stopped, they stopped. When he walked, they walked. It's fascinating to see so much strength under such pastoral control.

In the end, the rain won out, and we spent the afternoon in our room watching a video on the restoration of Williamsburg. Then we had dinner at a local restaurant. Still a great day, despite the poor weather. We hope yours was joyous as well.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Today we cruised the shops of Williamsburg and then took a carriage ride with a gentleman named Tom and two horses named Captain and Ranger. It was another beautiful day with crisp air and blue skies.

As the sun set on Bruton Parish we headed to the Court House for the ceremonial firing of the guns and some caroling prior to the lighting of the Christmas tree.

The crescents were lit for illumination and a bonfire was lit for warmth. We sang some carols, after which the tree was lit with 5000 lights. There was a huge crowd present and a warm sense of community permeated the event even though we were all technically strangers.

From the Court House, we headed back to Bruton Parish for a Christmas Eve service. It always moves us to think that George Washington and other founding fathers sat in this very sanctuary over two hundred years ago, trusting in God to direct their paths as they planned and accomplished events that would change world history forever.

Have a Glorious Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Several months ago we decided to take an honest-to-goodness vacation at the Christmas holiday, so we made reservations for a week at Colonial Williamsburg. On Tuesday we loaded the van and headed for Virginia. The drive was one beautiful snow scape after another, but the roads were clear. We checked into our hotel, a beautiful room in a newly refurbished Hampton Inn, and had a lovely dinner at a local restaurant. Then we headed to the Governor's Palace for a candlelit concert. Five musicians in period attire played period instruments, and a soprano sang several arias. It was a great start to our holiday.

This morning we got up when we felt like it, had a monster breakfast at Cracker Barrel, then headed to the restored area. If you've never been here, I highly recommend that you visit at least once in your life. There's something for everyone, whether you like architecture, history, horses, crafts, trades, guns, or just a relaxed atmosphere, it's all here.

In the photo below, we are standing in front of the Governor's Palace just prior to touring it. Later in the day we attended an "Irish Christmas" musical presentation which was also very excellent. You meet the nicest people at these activities, and it's good to see families with small children. The kids really seem to enjoy the whole experience, despite the absence of electronic diversions.

We'll keep taking pictures and try to post a little something each day. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

This morning we woke up to a coating of wet snow that enrobed every branch and twig. For us, this really makes it feel like Christmas time. If you live in an area where you might play volley ball in your shirtsleeves on Christmas, you might not understand. Weird as it sounds, we prefer snuggling by the fire to grilling over a fire this time of year. May you have a Merry Christmas, where ever you are!

Have you ever seen a herd of reindeer cupcakes? Well, feast your eyes on these seasonal creatures that Michele made for the kids at Coshocton Christian School! They were such a big hit that Tim didn't even get any leftovers.
Recently Michele had the opportunity
to help make costumes for a local theater group. She made two bonnets and two vests for a production of "The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge". We attended the opening night show and enjoyed seeing the actors wearing her handiwork. During the intermission she was taken backstage to meet the cast. It was a great night!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thank you for your perseverance to continue to check this blog despite the infrequent posts! We intend to do better, but the pace of life just keeps pushing the blog to the bottom of the list of things to do.

Speaking of things to do, we are in process of mailing out our recent newsletter. If you're not on our mailing list, or want to get a jump on things, here it is...