Thursday,August 28, 5:00PM: We just got back from the hospital, where Michele had her first chemo treatment. We were there at 7:30 this morning when they opened, so it was a long day, but a very good day. Michele ate both breakfast and lunch while she received the treatments, and had no ill effects, except for sleepiness. We must go back tomorrow for a shot that is intended to boost her immune system. The treatment is not one drug, but several, intended to work together to accomplish an assault on the cancer on multiple fronts. They call it RCHOP, which is an acronym for the medicines, whose names I will not try to convey.
On September 11th, she will be admitted to the hospital for a closely monitored treatment of Methatrexate (? spelling). After the methatrexate is administered they will need to give her an antidote that will repair the healthy cells, but not the cancer cells. The drug is very toxic, so they must watch her very closely until it is leached out of her system. That is why she needs to be hospitalized for 3 or 4 days. All together, she will receive three of those treatments intermingled with the 6 office treatments like she received today.
Yesterday we met with her surgeon and he released her from having to wear the neck brace. He also encouraged us by putting a name on the injury she suffered on the 18th when a technician erred by putting an automatic blood pressure cuff on her bad arm. Crushing her arm with the cuff caused 'Double Compression Syndrom', where a previously damaged nerve is crushed in a different location and the reaction is magnified. I say we were encouraged because he said the effects will pass, and she will resume the progressive healing she had been experiencing before the incident. He also told us that Michele's type of cancer is so rare, that if a person researched it, they would only find 6 or 7 cases like hers in the whole world. He asked if she would mind if he did a paper on her, so it could be published and benefit the medical community at large. She consented, of course.What a way to become famous!
Thank you all for holding us up in prayer. We really feel the Lord's comfort and blessing! Hang in there and keep us before the throne for the long haul.
With love and gratitude,
Tim and Michele