Monday, October 26, 2020

Dear Friends,

After this newsletter went to print, we received word that Michele's mother in California passed away. We appreciate your prayers for the family at this time of mourning. Thank you.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Dear Friends,

  Last December we received word from a long time supporting organization that they would need to reduce our support by $500.00 per month. We have been supported at about 82% of our monthly target for the past several years, and this new reduction of funds will lower that to about 71%.

  Would you consider coming along side us with a monthly financial contribution? If fifty people gave $10 a month, or 25 people gave $20 a month, the deficit would be eliminated. Your support can be easily initiated by going to the MMS website, , and clicking on the ‘Donate’ link. Halfway down the page is a section titled, “I prefer to give to:” with two drop-down boxes. Select “Missionary Support” from the first one, and “Tim and Michele Obarow” from the second box. Follow the prompts to complete the transaction.

Here is our latest newsletter: