Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014


  Praise the Lord, Michele is indeed home! The blood work on the relative Methotrexate level came back incredibly low this morning, so she was released around noon. The hospital pharmacist was very surprised, and almost sent us home without any Lucovorin, but decided there was no harm by taking four doses at home, so that's what we came home with. They actually cancelled the prescription they had phoned into the pharmacy before seeing the blood test results.

  Tomorrow she will get another PET scan, as previously discussed, then back on Monday for RCHOP #4. The only change from the proposed plan I wrote about yesterday, is that the Methotrexate injection into her spinal fluid will occur on November 24th. Here's a new medical term for you: The procedure is called "Intra Thecal" Methotrexate. Here's another tidbit to help understand why she can spend four days in bed and come home exhausted: she documented her urine elimination to make sure she was being cleansed of the poison, and she went to the bathroom 28 times in 36 hours, and passed almost 5 liters of fluid. Incidently, she was tethered to an IV machine, which had to be unplugged and dragged into the bathroom with her each time. Sounds like the basis for some new reality show, if you ask me.

  The down side, at the moment, is the effect that the hospital stay and treatment had on her left arm. It is very stiff, and had become swollen from the IV fluids. Please pray that she quickly regains freedom of movement and removal of pain in that arm. You could also ask the Lord to provide a technician at the imaging facility who would have the expertise to allow the use of her port for the infusion of the chemical for the PET scan. I was told that they don't typically use infusion ports because they require flushing, and they are not staffed for that. I asked if they couldn't try to accommodate Michele to spare her from further poking in her right arm, and they said they would try. We'll see. God has answered a host of specific requests already, so I'm hopeful.

  We are, as always, grateful for your concern and prayer support. Many blessings upon you!

Tim and Michele

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