Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday, December 22, 6PM


  We just returned from the doctors office in Zanesville. Michele's appointment was at 1:30 this afternoon. She was so weak and dizzy that I was afraid we weren't going to get her in the van, but we did make it. When they took her vitals, her blood pressure was 100/68 and her heart was beating pretty fast to keep it at that. The doctor drew blood and started saline to bring her blood pressure up. When her blood results came back, her white blood cells were again very low, so they cancelled the Intrathecal procedure scheduled for Wednesday and scheduled her to come in for intravenous fluids instead. They also started her on an oral antibiotic to hedge her against infection.

  If she can build back up out of this slump, it should be the turning point for recovering her strength, since there are no more major chemotherapy cycles scheduled. The most important thing at the moment is to keep her from contracting any infection. For those of you who have wanted to visit, this is the reason for the moratorium on visitors. Thanks for understanding. Please continue to pray for the white cell and platelet counts to rebound. For perspective, normal white cell count is 4,300 to 10,800 cells per cu/ML. Michele's were 400 today. When she was hospitalized three weeks ago, they had fallen to 200. If she can rest, and avoid infection, she should be fine.

  We can't begin to thank you all for the many ways in which you have ministered to us with gifts and sentiments of encouragement! Bless you all, and have a very Merry Christmas!

With Love,

Tim and Michele

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