Tuesday, December 30
Hope everybody had a Merry Christmas. The day before Christmas we went to the Oncologist for intravenous fluids for Michele. They checked her blood white cell count, which was still very low, but she was feeling okay. We had a nice Christmas day. I managed to surprise Michele with two gifts that she was not expecting, even though I am hardly ever out of her sight. For lunch we had a turkey breast, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert.
Michele was feeling pretty good by Sunday, so we decided to make our Oncology visit for Monday into an outing. So yesterday we had lunch at Pizza Cottage in Zanesville, then spent some time in Hobby Lobby. Michele's energy reserve isn't very deep, so I pushed her around in a wheel chair, but it was still great to get out. We also spent some time in the mall before heading over to the Oncology suite. They drew some blood, then gave her saline. When the blood results came back, her white cell count was up to 3,600! This is a great encouragement, as it proves her body is doing what it is supposed to do to rebuild. With this good report, they cleared her for the Intrathecal procedure scheduled for tomorrow morning.(Intrathecal is where they inject Methotrexate into her spinal fluid.)
At this point she is scheduled for one more Intrathecal procedure on January 7th. Beyond that, we must wait to see what the Oncologist's plan is for determining if all the cancer is gone. We are anticipating a happy, cancer-free new year, and appreciate your prayers to that end. I am looking forward to getting back to work, although I don't really know when that will be.
Have a very Happy New Year!
With Love,
Tim and Michele
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