Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chainsaw and branches

Tim was busy all day with his trusty chainsaw. What was to be a little yard work, turned into an all day job. Not pictured are large tree branches in 5 piles strewn about our yard. Tim was able to cut large chunks of wood into tidy 16 inch pieces for neighbor Keith for use in his and Karen's fireplace, next year. Tim tells me that he will need to start mowing next weekend, seems too early to me!
Our neighbor Keith started the yearly ritual of mowing today.

Easter Lamb

Easter is next week, a very personal and joyous time for Tim and I. As born again believers in Christ Jesus, we are reminded of the work that Jesus came to do and accomplish on the cross for us all.
Easter for me is a time to do something extra special for my family and friends. This year I made candy in the shape of lambs. I bagged them in cellophane shaped like a cone, tied off with a green ribbon and gift tag. When it was finished, it resembled a carrot! Now I need to mail one to PA and deliver the others, so much fun for one person-).

Spring flowers, finally!

Our spring flowers are finally blooming! Daffodils are blooming and brighten our yard. In our kitchen garden, blue and white hyacinth's are showing there unique florets and the fragrance is wonderful! Next will be the tulips, buds, but no color as of yet. We are delighted that the hail storm did not destroy the spring flowers!

Peas from Heaven?

Friday evening we were in the kitchen cooking, heard thunder in the distance and the next moment it starts raining, then pea size hail started pelting the ground, this lasted 2 minutes, it looked like it had snowed by the time it stopped!