Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17, 2016,


  Michele and I are putting together the necessary elements to seek an increase in our monthly support. This morning, (Saturday), I intended to print some Prayer Warrior cards to be mailed out to folks that we think would be willing to pray for God's leading in this venture. As happens quite often in these endeavors, three out of three printers in our house were not up to the task.

  Rather than casting the printers in the trash, we chose to take the opportunity to post the card on the blog. That way, if some gracious blog-reader out there wishes to print a card for their use and tape it to their refrigerator, so much the better. So here is the card we will eventually print and mail:

  If you will be praying for us as a result of this post, we would greatly appreciate knowing about it. If you would be so kind, please email us at:
For more information  about the state of our finances, here is a excerpt of the letter that we intend to prayerfully send to select individuals and churches:

  If you ar reading this and feel God is leading you to join our support team, there are several ways of doing that. one of the simplest is to follow this link to the MMS Aviation website donation page:
In the two drop-down boxes in the middle of the page, select "Missionary Support" in the top box, then select our names from the list in the box below it. Simply fill in the remaining information as required, and we will receive the blessing of your generosity.

As ever, thank you for reading, praying, and giving as led by our Lord!


Tim and Michele

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hello Again,

We are preparing to travel to Wisconsin again for our annual representation of MMS at AirVenture, but wanted to communicate some of what has been going on since April. Thanks for reading!

Tim and Michele

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hello Folks,

Once again, I have not made any posts since our last newsletter, but when you read our current edition you will understand why. Thank you for your interest!