Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday, December 11th


  Michele saw the Oncologist today and had another blood draw to check her platelets and white cells. The doctor has postponed the intrathekel treatment scheduled for Monday (that's the shot of Methotrexate in her spinal fluid), but has given the green light for her 6th and last RCHOP treatment on Tuesday! This is good news for a couple of reasons; first it means her blood counts have come back to a safe level, and second it marks the end of the heavy chemo treatments.

  Another bit of good news is that Michele will be starting on oral blood thinners beginning Saturday, so I will no longer need to give her a shot each morning. That is a multiplied blessing also, because the oral drug is less than half the cost of the injectable drug.

  The sun shone today for a while. It was the first time in a long time, so all in all it was a pretty good day. I hope yours was too.

With love,

Tim and Michele

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