Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's a bird, a plane, no its Tim!

Tim rode his bike for the first time this year on Monday to work. It is about a 4 mile ride out of town, and then a half mile ride up a steep and winding hill to the airport. When Tim rides to work, I ride my bike to meet him on his return ride. We meet on the corner of Main and Burt Avenue streets, from their we have a short ride to our home. Tim will ride to work almost every day until November, this gives him an opportunity to exercise and relax before coming home. Also, an opportunity to save fuel cost for his car. I take advantage of riding whenever I can, you will see me pedaling up to my friend Jeanne's house every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to work out in her basement. I take advantage of being able to make the short ride into town almost every day to run errands or sightseeing. On Sunday evenings you might spot us riding our BBFT, otherwise known as our bicycle built for two going to church. We do get some fun attention, the younger crowd thinks our bike is really cool, and it is! The BBFT was a gift from dear friends from church a couple of years ago.

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